Expansion Cooling Duster Can


The duster can I use always gets really cold whenever I use it for long enough. Can someone explain in the simplest way possible the reason why it gets cold?

In: 49

12 Answers

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The stuff in the can is a type of refrigerant. It has a low boiling point. like -10F or something like that. However, when the gas is pressurized, it becomes a liquid, and get hot. Because compressing a gas add energy to it. However, the reason why the can isn’t hot to touch is because they cooled the compressed gas first, which at high pressure and low temperature, it condenses into a liquid. Then they put the liquid in the can.

Now, when in the can, some of the liquid turns into gas, but there isn’t much space for it expand to, so much of the stuff stays liquid, under pressure. When there is an opening (pressing a trigger/puncturing the can), the gas now has somewhere to go, so it escape through that opening. Now, there are more space for the liquid to turn back into a gas, so it does. Then the gas escape too.

The reason why the can gets cold is as the liquid turns into a gas, it’s actually boiling. The boiling happens when energy is added to a substance. That energy comes from the air and your hands.

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