Expedite Shipping


How is it that expedite shipping exists (next-day delivery/ international expedite/ etc) in relationship to standard shipping? Its not like companies benefit or profit from the time the package is in transit. I understand its a “premium” feature but why isnt it ideal to have packages delivered in the shortest/ least time-consuming route, and if so, why arent these shorter/ less time-consuming routes the standard?

In: 3

8 Answers

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You’re at work and trying to go home. You can take the public bus which will take 1hr at $2, Uber vanpool which will drive you to your house but you’ll have to stop by 3 houses taking you 40mins at $15. Or Uber solo where you’ll go home directly, no detours, taking you 15mins at $25.

The public bus is normal shipping, Uber vanpool is expedited shipping, and Uber solo is next day shipping. The more you pay, the more it’s tailored to you and the faster it is.

It’s the same with packages. Your package is combined with other ones, like the public bus. But the bus has to makeany stops, so it’ll take awhile to get to your spot. If you want the package faster, you’re basically paying for a dedicated service where the courier will focus on you (but having that dedicated courier is gonna cost you extra).

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