Explain Air pressure to me


When we travel by airplane, the pressure changes. What does that mean exactly? Why does it make my ears hurt?

Equally, deep sea diving and submersibles. Ive read that the glass has to be massively reinforced to stand the pressure. Is the change in pressure the same type for air and sea? I.e does pressure increase for both?

Edit; Everyone did great! I understand now! The answer is “Water be heavy” and “Air be heavy. Less air above you when you fly so less pressure”

In: 13

27 Answers

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To bring this specifically to aircraft. The air conditioning system control the cabin temperatures and cabin pressure. On the ground normal pressure would be 14.7psi (1atm). As the aircraft climbs and the outside air pressure drops, the air conditioning systems works harder to maintain the the pressure inside the cabin at a “comfortable” level. Usually this is around 8-9PSI depending on the aircraft which would be equivalent to being at 8’000ft even though you might be flying at 30’000ft or higher.

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