Explain the process of getting a research paper published

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I am a young and aspiring researcher who has just entered my first year of college. In the future, I want to get my research published. Can someone explain the whole pipeline for getting my work out there?

Ten minutes of Googling gave me a lot of terminologies, and I am quite confused right now. There are multiple publishers and different types of publications like journals, white papers, conference papers, and meta-analyses. Additionally, there are databases like Google Scholar and Scopus that index your work, and organizations that assign research IDs to every researcher.

Can somebody please help me make sense of all these things or at least guide me towards resources that would help me understand the whole pipeline and the associated terminologies?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It will depend on the field and the journal, and when you’ll get into research you will 100% have someone mentoring you (like a PhD supervisor).

For the most part it’s:

– Writing your paper

– Sending it to a publisher through their dedicated channels (you may or may not have to pay. Depends on the journal).

– Publisher sends your paper to reviewers, peers in the field who might have suggestions or find flaws in your paper. These reviewers are anonimous.

– A back and forth between you making corrections and the reviewers reviewing them until they think your paper is satisfactory.

– The publisher publishes your paper

– You get cited/you get contacted/you get criticized/you get ignored.

And that’s the jist of it.

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