I understand gigahertz, gigabytes, but not gigaflops.



In: 5

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s decipher what those letters mean – FLOPS – Floating Point Operations Per Second.

Floating Point is a type of number that processing unit can do calculations with. FP means it’s specially formated decimal value. In contrast to integers, it can be a value in very large range, from very small numbers to very large.

With flops we describe how many calculations with “decimal” numbers can a computer do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s decipher what those letters mean – FLOPS – Floating Point Operations Per Second.

Floating Point is a type of number that processing unit can do calculations with. FP means it’s specially formated decimal value. In contrast to integers, it can be a value in very large range, from very small numbers to very large.

With flops we describe how many calculations with “decimal” numbers can a computer do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Floatingpoint operations per second. Basically a number to express how powerful a computer is. The more operations a computer can do per second the faster/more powerful the computer is. And the floating point system is a way computers often handle numbers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Floatingpoint operations per second. Basically a number to express how powerful a computer is. The more operations a computer can do per second the faster/more powerful the computer is. And the floating point system is a way computers often handle numbers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Floatingpoint operations per second. Basically a number to express how powerful a computer is. The more operations a computer can do per second the faster/more powerful the computer is. And the floating point system is a way computers often handle numbers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A “flop” is short for “floating point operation”. Floating point numbers are a type of number representation in computers, similar to scientific exponential notation (such as 3600 = 3.6e3).

FLOPS (or FLOP/s) tells you how many operations on floating point numbers a computer can do per second. A gigaflop is 1 billion flops, a teraflop is 1 trillion. The prefixes work the same for every unit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A “flop” is short for “floating point operation”. Floating point numbers are a type of number representation in computers, similar to scientific exponential notation (such as 3600 = 3.6e3).

FLOPS (or FLOP/s) tells you how many operations on floating point numbers a computer can do per second. A gigaflop is 1 billion flops, a teraflop is 1 trillion. The prefixes work the same for every unit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A “flop” is short for “floating point operation”. Floating point numbers are a type of number representation in computers, similar to scientific exponential notation (such as 3600 = 3.6e3).

FLOPS (or FLOP/s) tells you how many operations on floating point numbers a computer can do per second. A gigaflop is 1 billion flops, a teraflop is 1 trillion. The prefixes work the same for every unit.