

Please explain to me like I’m 5
Why is the inconsistency in the age ranges of generations?
Lost Generation: 1883 – 1900 (17 Years)
The Greatest Generation: 1901 – 1927 (26 Years)
The Silent Generation: 1928 – 1945 (17 Years)
Baby Boomers: 1946 – 1964 (18 Years)
Generation X: 1965 – 1980 (15 Years)
Generation Y/Millennials: 1981 – 1996 (15 Years)
Generation Z: 1997 – 2012 (15 Years)
Gen Alpha: 2013 – Present (Currently 9 Years)

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The idea of a “generation” is that it is a group of people who experienced similar social, cultural, and political realities and events. For example, the Silent Generation is usually considered the people who lived through WWII but didn’t fight in it, and were largely shaped by the Great Depression and New Deal in the US. Because of that, these tended to be people who were economically conservative (they grew up not having a lot of money and having to spend carefully) but socially progressive (their best years in childhood were during the New Deal, and so they supported similar programs.

As a more recent example, Millennials tend to be considered as the people who were in school when 9/11 happened. They remember – but were not directly effected by – the Y2K issue and Dot-Bomb. Many of them remember when “gay” was an insult – but also by the time they were an adult (which occurred later, because of the press for college) it wasn’t. They tend to want economic equality and security (having seen that hurt over several economic crashes that seemingly left the rich unhurt); and tend to oppose war (having seen a 20-year war that got very little done).

Generations get split when major events happen. The line between the Greatest Generation and the Silent generation is usually the start of the Great Depression: people from the Greatest Generation might remember a time before it; but people from the Silent Generation don’t. The Silent Generation ends with the significant increase in people having children around World War II. The Baby Boomer era ends with the Civil Rights Movement – but also with the election of Nixon and the changing priorities in US politics. Many people suggest the line between GenX and Millennials is whether you saw 9/11 as an adult, or as a child – while Gen Z (which really needs a better name) don’t remember it at all.

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Please explain to me like I’m 5
Why is the inconsistency in the age ranges of generations?
Lost Generation: 1883 – 1900 (17 Years)
The Greatest Generation: 1901 – 1927 (26 Years)
The Silent Generation: 1928 – 1945 (17 Years)
Baby Boomers: 1946 – 1964 (18 Years)
Generation X: 1965 – 1980 (15 Years)
Generation Y/Millennials: 1981 – 1996 (15 Years)
Generation Z: 1997 – 2012 (15 Years)
Gen Alpha: 2013 – Present (Currently 9 Years)

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The idea of a “generation” is that it is a group of people who experienced similar social, cultural, and political realities and events. For example, the Silent Generation is usually considered the people who lived through WWII but didn’t fight in it, and were largely shaped by the Great Depression and New Deal in the US. Because of that, these tended to be people who were economically conservative (they grew up not having a lot of money and having to spend carefully) but socially progressive (their best years in childhood were during the New Deal, and so they supported similar programs.

As a more recent example, Millennials tend to be considered as the people who were in school when 9/11 happened. They remember – but were not directly effected by – the Y2K issue and Dot-Bomb. Many of them remember when “gay” was an insult – but also by the time they were an adult (which occurred later, because of the press for college) it wasn’t. They tend to want economic equality and security (having seen that hurt over several economic crashes that seemingly left the rich unhurt); and tend to oppose war (having seen a 20-year war that got very little done).

Generations get split when major events happen. The line between the Greatest Generation and the Silent generation is usually the start of the Great Depression: people from the Greatest Generation might remember a time before it; but people from the Silent Generation don’t. The Silent Generation ends with the significant increase in people having children around World War II. The Baby Boomer era ends with the Civil Rights Movement – but also with the election of Nixon and the changing priorities in US politics. Many people suggest the line between GenX and Millennials is whether you saw 9/11 as an adult, or as a child – while Gen Z (which really needs a better name) don’t remember it at all.

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