

Please explain to me like I’m 5
Why is the inconsistency in the age ranges of generations?
Lost Generation: 1883 – 1900 (17 Years)
The Greatest Generation: 1901 – 1927 (26 Years)
The Silent Generation: 1928 – 1945 (17 Years)
Baby Boomers: 1946 – 1964 (18 Years)
Generation X: 1965 – 1980 (15 Years)
Generation Y/Millennials: 1981 – 1996 (15 Years)
Generation Z: 1997 – 2012 (15 Years)
Gen Alpha: 2013 – Present (Currently 9 Years)

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Generations are usually pretty arbitrary in definition. People pretty much made them up on the fly. Most of them are more so vague concepts than clearly defined age groups. Even with Gen X and beyond, you get subdivisions such as Zilennials, aka people who are born in the early years of Gen Z, but to are too old to identify fully with Gen Z, because they grew up right in that gap where the technology that is commonly associated with Gen Z just wasn’t quite there yet, but they were also too young to be Milennials.

Cassettes went out of fashion, but smartphones weren’t a thing yet (letalone something the average citizen could afford), and internet wasn’t fast enough for streaming anyway, so instead, you had the discman, which was a walkman, but for CDs. They came too late for the golden days of the 90s, but are too young to grow up with lives centered around social media and the like, but they got the DS and Phineas and Ferb instead.

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Please explain to me like I’m 5
Why is the inconsistency in the age ranges of generations?
Lost Generation: 1883 – 1900 (17 Years)
The Greatest Generation: 1901 – 1927 (26 Years)
The Silent Generation: 1928 – 1945 (17 Years)
Baby Boomers: 1946 – 1964 (18 Years)
Generation X: 1965 – 1980 (15 Years)
Generation Y/Millennials: 1981 – 1996 (15 Years)
Generation Z: 1997 – 2012 (15 Years)
Gen Alpha: 2013 – Present (Currently 9 Years)

In: 0

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Generations are usually pretty arbitrary in definition. People pretty much made them up on the fly. Most of them are more so vague concepts than clearly defined age groups. Even with Gen X and beyond, you get subdivisions such as Zilennials, aka people who are born in the early years of Gen Z, but to are too old to identify fully with Gen Z, because they grew up right in that gap where the technology that is commonly associated with Gen Z just wasn’t quite there yet, but they were also too young to be Milennials.

Cassettes went out of fashion, but smartphones weren’t a thing yet (letalone something the average citizen could afford), and internet wasn’t fast enough for streaming anyway, so instead, you had the discman, which was a walkman, but for CDs. They came too late for the golden days of the 90s, but are too young to grow up with lives centered around social media and the like, but they got the DS and Phineas and Ferb instead.

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