Geothermic Energy. How?

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I found recently the existence of Geothermic Energy and i didn’t really understand It.

There are zones where the underground is so hot we can get energy (Electricity) from it. How?

I read that One of the first to do It was in Italy, in the 1904 or something, and i don’t understand how could they build something without…well die. If the heat is so High wouldnt people be hurt? How could they build something like that? I guess that now is more easy but at that time how was that even possible?

In: Other

10 Answers

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The core of the Earth is hot for multiple reasons, residual heat from the formation of the planet, nuclear decay, tidal action, etc.

To get access to this heat in places where it isn’t conveniently getting to the surface by itself (hot springs and other volcanic things) they drill a very deep hole hole, using many of the same techniques as oil drillers. Then they pump water down the hole if there isn’t a convenient layer of groundwater there. The water seeps through the porous rock and heats up because the rock is hot and is then pumped up through a separate hole. Then a heat pump extracts the heat from the water to boil some other water, the steam produced spins a turbine and produces electricity and the now cold water is pumped back down to be heated again.

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