Given natural selection is true, why do we still have genetic eye sight issues? Because I would think bad eye sight would get you killed (or at least the inability to eat) in a hunter gatherer society.


Given natural selection is true, why do we still have genetic eye sight issues? Because I would think bad eye sight would get you killed (or at least the inability to eat) in a hunter gatherer society.

In: 4

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a good deal of evidence that the causes of myopia are environmental. For example, the higher prevalance of the condition in modern countries with compulsory education, compared to less developed countries where children spend more time outdoors.

That said, problems which do not prevent you from dying before you sire children are not “selected” out of the gene pool. So, the tendency of people to get farsighted with age wouldn’t affect their chances of mating and raising children.

Finally, we’re social creatures. If you’ve got one person with good vision and four people who are mildly nearsighted, then the one person can do the spotting for all four.