Given the number and types of bacteria in our mouths, why is it that cuts/ulcers in our mouths don’t get super infected very quickly?


I’ve heard that the human bite is one of the most dangerous because of the types of bacteria in our mouths and teeth. Knowing this, wouldn’t cuts to the inside of our mouths (tongue, cheek, inner lips, etc) also be very dangerous?

In: 17

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I rinse my mouth out/brush teeth, with hydrogen peroxide, at night and again in the morning. Kill those germs! just don’t swallow any peroxide, and rinse well. I wear my covid mask religiously, but wearing it all day probably gives the germs in your mouth a fighting chance of survival in thier own little world safe behind the mask, until i get to the bottle of the hydrogen peroxide.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of the bacteria in our bodies are beneficial, very few are pathogens. We are not individuals, we are biomes. We cannot live without most of the fellow living creatures that share our identity.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bacteria evolve to fit niches and need super specific environments to thrive. Most bacteria which have evolved to be in a human mouth will not do well in the bloodstream or in tissue as the pH is not what it prefers, etc. and it won’t have access to the decaying food particles, etc. it prefers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The bacteria we live with are well known and quickly recognized by our immune system, which is ready to kill them if they find themselves were they should not.

It’s always the same bacteria in your mouth so your blood has lots of antibodies ready.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our whole body is infested with bacteria. I think I’m right in saying in terms of numbers they actually outnumber our own cells. Some of these are symbiotic, we rely on them to do what they do, and they rely on us. The large majority of them we have a sort of ‘better the devil you know’ agreement. They don’t do us much (or any harm) and they also outcompete and will fight new bacteria which could be dangerous. So those cuts will be infected, but infected by friendly or at least neutral bacteria.