– Healthcare Plans in the US


I am a 25 year old man who spent his 18-now in the military with tricare. I now have a job where I have to enroll in healthcare. What do I look for in a plan? What is a deductible? If I have a co-pay, do I still have to pay up to $8000 just to GET to my co-pay? Why did no one explain this to me?

In: 4

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Were you discharged honorably (have access to VA care and services)? Are you rated for a VA compensation (if not GET IT DONE, I literally cannot stress this enough. GO. GET. RATED. Even if you dont think anything is wrong with you, right now, dont make that call, let the Drs do that.) Even if you dont finish the rating process, at least start it so that later on if you do decide to go thru with it your claim will backpay to when you started it. As a veteran (assuming you were honorably discharged with access to VA care) you can sign up for and recieve insurance thru the VA which can be a HUGE blessing especially at your young age. Lastly, go start your compensation paperwork please. As someone who struggled for 10 years after getting out thru sheer stubbornness please go claim what you’ve earned. It can be life altering getting the help you need, be it medically or financially, in a timely manner

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