Honda gearbox gives me 5/6 reverse gears


Hey I’m just throwing dumb ideas around in my head for a custom project car and had heard that Honda uses motors that spin the opposite direction to standard which made me wonder. If I were to use a AWD Honda gearbox to create a rear engined car would that flip the drive direction.
Also the same question but for a standard gearbox and a Honda motor

Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense I’m getting ready for bed but can’t sleep due to this XD

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Flip the differential upside down—so the side that used to drive the right wheel now drives the left—and the wheels will turn the other way. In the case of AWD you have two diffs to flip, or you have to flip the centre diff. Normally this would be impractical but, on the scale of the changes you’re talking about, it could work.

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