Household water conservation


Why is conserving household water usage important? Doesn’t all the water end up at a treatment plant and go back into the supply at some point? Is water actually being depleted with things like long showers? Where does it go?

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7 Answers

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1. Saving money. Water isn’t super expensive, but a house also uses a lot of it.

2. Most of the water ends up in treatment plants, but the more water people use, the more treatment plants we need to build. Things like golf courses and lawns also don’t return water to the supply.

3. A small portion of water ends up in the ocean, becoming salt water. It’s much more expensive to remove the salt from water than getting fresh water.

4. It’s not easy to move fresh water back to the source. Most places rely on rain and snow to do this, then use gravity to get the water where it needs to be. Moving cleaned water from a downriver treatment plant back to a reservoir is very expensive.

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