How a seaturtle can live off of a diet of jellyfish when jellyfish are basically water.


How a seaturtle can live off of a diet of jellyfish when jellyfish are basically water.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they digest all the parts that aren’t water. Turtles don’t need to spend much energy so they don’t need many calories. Jellyfish have plenty of stored energy and nutrients as well as any plankton or other prey they were currently digesting which will be digested by the turtle.

Bear in mind most reptiles regularly go days or weeks without eating

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most life on earth is mostly water. But all life on earth has parts that are not water (seeing as a bucket of distilled water is not alive). If an animal can catch, eat and digest something using less energy than it gets from its digested components, it’s a viable food source (as part of a sufficiently varied diet).