how adenosine triphosphate is the ‘energy currency’ of cells? Is the molecule structured to trap and transfer energy or create it?


how adenosine triphosphate is the ‘energy currency’ of cells? Is the molecule structured to trap and transfer energy or create it?

In: 23

18 Answers

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Remember in chemistry where some reactions are endothermic and others are exothermic? One requires energy to make the reaction happen and the other gives off energy when a reaction happens? (Fire is exothermic, a bunch of heat comes out when you burn wood. A tree growing is endothermic. It takes energy from the sun to slowly assemble wood fibers and build up the wood.)

ATP is a molecule capable of reversible reactions. When you eat, your body uses the food energy to assemble the ATP molecule into a high energy state. When your cell gets that ATP molecule, it can reverse that reaction extracting the energy.

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