How archaeologists decipher languages that don’t exist anymore?


How archaeologists decipher languages that don’t exist anymore?

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18 Answers

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Linguists estimate about 100,000 languages have been spoken in human history. Most languages were never written and only spoken. Almost all of these languages are extinct and will forever be unknown to linguistics. There are between 6000-7000 languages spoken today. The variance depends on which dialects you consider to be languages. Either way, 90% of the remaining languages will become extinct within our lifetimes. There is a race to document them among academics.

Only a small number of languages were spoken in societies that independently developed writing systems. There are only a few dozen known writing systems (latin, arabic, chinese, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Cuneiform, etc). It’s unlikely that there are more than a few undiscovered writing systems. If you develop the ability to write, you will necessarily leave artifacts of the writing. Since there are so few writing systems and not far off 2,000 written languages, almost all written languages were first spoken languages that later adopted a writing system that had already been created and established. In order to do that, the speakers had to learn the at least one language that uses the writing system! Even the forgotten ones are relatively easy to decipher.

There are only a handful of undeciphered writing systems. The number is in the order of a dozen or so, with the exact number up for debate on whether it’s art or a writing system. Without a trove of written artifacts or a translation to a known language, these will remain forever undeciphered.

The story of how exceptionally well preserved extinct writing systems like Hieroglyphs and Cuneiform were deciphered will probably be discussed here. Those cultures had to encounter cultures with a known and well understood writing system. In cases where that didn’t happen, it’s just speculation.

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