How are babies able to go from just milk to an array of different solid foods without stomach issues but some adults can’t?


I thought about this based on some digestive issues I’ve been experiencing and a conversation about vegans or vegetarians getting sick if they eat meat if they haven’t eaten meat before (or eat it again after years of not eating it). I am not vegan, but I do know some foods are hard on my stomach.

It made me wonder about babies and kids where being new on earth, they go through a period of never having eaten any food besides milk before and then eventually their parents start feeding them solid foods. So from purely milk and liquid diet to solid foods. It seems like for the most part it doesn’t make them sick, even though basically every food is a new food for them that they haven’t had before. How are their bodies able to adjust?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The simple of this is that they are not. You have to be careful and slowly introduce foods to babies. First easily digestible food such as banana or baby food. And even then you first do it in small amounts and primarily feed them milk. Then after some time you slowly ween them off milk and onto food, and slowly change the type of food.

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