How are beavers benificial for ecological systems?


Beavers were recently reintroduced in my country to help the ecological system develop. All I know is that they build dams, which I would assume isn’t very good for river fish. I also just learned they tend to eat/use young trees, which can’t be good for the forest growth. How do they actually benifit the ecological system?

In: Earth Science

6 Answers

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They store water above sea level. Among other things, this makes them one of the most valuable creatures nature has ever created. They are classified as a keystone species like salmon. This means without them, other parts of the ecosystem will collapse.

You could rid all the humans off the planet and leave the beavers. In a century they can reforest what we deforested in Canada, which is a lot. They can turn deserts into rainforests if you give them enough time.

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