How are blackholes created?


How are blackholes created?

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5 Answers

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Imagine taking something really, really big and then squishing it into something really, really small.

A star is essentially a gigantic, perpetual balancing act. On the one side, you have gravity trying to squish all of the gas atoms, which makes up the star, closer and closer together. On the other side, you have fusion (smooshing the atoms together because there’s a gazillion tons of other atoms dog piling on top of them) happening in the core of the star which releases incredible amounts of energy and tries to push the star apart.

So gravity pushes everything in, fusion pushes everything out, and the balancing act between them is a star. But, because stars are made out of a finite amount of material, eventually over time the balance gets broken. Gravity wins and the star collapses in on itself. Now you have an entire stars worth of mass that’s been smooshed into an infinitesimally small point. The gravity of all that mass doesn’t go away simply because the volume of the mass is smaller so what your left with is a region of space – a shell which surrounds that infinitesimally small point – where gravity becomes so strong that you would need to exceed the speed of light to escape it.. which is physically impossible. A black hole is formed.

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