how are chimps able to exert more force than us, humans, considering they are smaller in stature and weigh less?


how are chimps able to exert more force than us, humans, considering they are smaller in stature and weigh less?

In: 25

36 Answers

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Know how you can write, or throw things with a lot of accuracy, or fold a paper exactly on half and rip it exactly along the crease you just created? A chimp can do all that stuff too but not as well as humans can.

We developped more fine motor skills than a chimp. Because we need precision the muscles can’t be as big or the movements would be too large. You want to hold the pencil with enough force so you can hold it in a specific way without being afraid you snap it, you want your wrist to make small movements to draw a specific way. Combine that and now you can write.

Look at it from a videogame perspective: chimps dumped all their character creation points into strength and only a couple into finesse. We put a lot more points into finesse so we had less points for strength.

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