It doesn’t matter if it’s LED.
What matters is the colour, and intensity [in lumens]. The idea is to replicate the intensity of the sun [in lumens] with the right colour tone [cool white]. It is believed to stimulate your brain into producing chemical responses & altering of thought patterns.
This is founded on the concept that your body uses sunlight to assist in managing your circadian rhythm. With a poor circadian rhythm, comes poor sleep which easily snowballs into low mood and even depression. Hence the existence of “seasonal depression”: there is less sunlight in the winter and it can often be *assumed* that your low mood is a symptom of it.
I’ve had many of these lights over the years. All they’ve ever done is provide psychological assistance to me. I’ve never managed to come to a formulation of how long I should use them, so I overused them. I changed every bulb in my house to these things.
They’re just bright lights. The rest, in my *opinion & experience*, is psychological.
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