how are dopamine serotonin and endorphins different?


From a layman’s perspective they are all described as happy brain chemicals. What’s the role that they play that makes them different from each other?

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5 Answers

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This is how I understand it.

**Dopamin**: Reward/pleasure hormone. Released when doing something good for your body. Like reacting to your needs and putting yourself out of harms way.

Effect; regulates motivation.

**Seratonin**: Mood hormone. You know that good feeling you get when playing your favorite game, going for a walk in the sun or haning out with your best friend? That’s seratonin.

Effect; also regulates motivation, but mostly your overall mood.

**Endorphins**: Pain blocker. Released when in “stress” to block out the perception of pain and not feeling well. “Stressing” your body with exercise will release the hormone, as to not feel pain while “damaging your body”.

Effect; regulates pain and perception of not feeling well.

It is easy to confuse these, as they all give us some sort of “happiness boost” which is correct.

For example: If you like to run as an exercise:

*During your run you release* ***endorphins*** *to regulate the pain reception in your legs.*

*You force yourself into an uncomfortable situation which you overcome, and thus be rewarded with* ***Dopamin****.*

*You ran your fastest time, or you have been running with disciplin for a month now, or you might have had nice weather, or you are being cheered by your friend. You continue to produce* ***Seratonin*** *after your run.*

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