How are gold and other elements created?

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How are elements such as gold created and why can’t humans creat

In: Chemistry

21 Answers

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Suns. Outside of the solar system we also call them stars.

They are so heavy they start fussing elements (our sun does too). Hydrogen fuses with anorjer Hydrogen to male Helium. Once the star runs out of Hydrogen it stars fusing the next lightest element (thar it convienient makes itself). Depending on the size, the stars stops because its not heavy enough to fuse elements past… iron i think. If realy heavy, they go super nova and explodes and that fuses a hell of a lot heavyer stuff. Heavy enough and it fuses a lot into pure nutrinos (or whatever the Electronic neutral elements is, an electron and a proton together) – and thats how nutron stars are born.

The super nova explosion also shoots out a ton of shit. More than a metcric ton, enough for our normal terms of ‘a lot’ to seem inadecuete even if we add vulgar language to it (so a more than ‘ a fucking ass whooping of a metroc ton of a bunch of shit and then some’). That shit will be lithium and cobalt and carbon and iron and gold ect, that can be picked up by tje forming masses that make new solar systems, planets, astroids ect. And thats how tje different elements ended up here on Earth – the left over of a star explosion condenced into not just Earth but the whole solar system (and all the ptjer solar systems and astroids out there in space too)