How are headphones with single drivers able to make sounds that are “multiple sounds at the same time?´´


So from what I know, the drivers vibrate at a given wavelength and that makes a sound. That makes sense to me of how you can create voice for example. But how does multiple instruments + voice in one driver work? You hear all them seperately but at the same time?

To me this sounds like a monitor pixel making more than 1 pixel at once.

In: 135

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know this one! You can *add* sound waves together.

Basically, sound is when the air pressure in your ear goes up and down repeatedly. However, there can only be one value for air pressure at a time. You can’t have 5 pressure and 10 pressure at the same time. Instead, you have 15 pressure.

At any given time, each sound wave increases or decreases the pressure in the air. You can add up all the changes from each sound wave, and you get a new wave which combines all of them. Your speaker plays this combined wave from its single driver.

[Here’s a graph which shows what it looks like when you add two sound waves.](

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