How are honing rod type knife sharpeners made of steel able to sharpen steel knives?


How is it possible that steel can sharpen steel?

For example this honing rod type sharpener []( is made of steel whereas the this one is made of ceramic [](

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6 Answers

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Imagine you have a spear and you are poking trees with it. At the end of the day you noticed that it’s not poking into trees so well anymore. You look at the tip and notice that it’s actually a little bit folded over. It’s still pointy, but the point is pointing off to the side. To fix that, you find a piece of steel and rub the spear point to unbend the tip so it’s straight again.

That’s what you are doing, but with the knife’s cutting edge. It’s still sharp, it’s just a little bit flopped to one side or the other, or both along it’s edge. You are re-aligning the sharp edge to point forward! So now it cuts well again!

The second picture you have has V shaped notches made with HARD STEEL, it will in fact straighten and actually cut away steel that to make the edge a nice point again. Those aren’t the best sharpeners to use, but they work.

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