How are individual bits controlled inside of a CPU?


I know there are transistors to represent 1 and 0 (on and off), and I know that assembly is the lowest human-readable level you can get to telling the CPU exactly what to do. Any and all processes between that are an enigma to me, and I would love to know how it works.

In: 35

10 Answers

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When the data is loaded into RAM, each bit has its own pin. When the computer wants to run an operation, it takes the value from each pin and runs then through a circuit in the processor(to add, subtract, multiply, or divide, or any logic operation) and gers a new set of bits it can put onto new pins (or the same pins). 8GB of RAM is 2^26 pins, and each pin can hold 1 bit. If the pin has a voltage, its a 1, and if it doesn’t, it’s a 0. When they are stored on a hard drive, they are either just a small magentic field (hard disk) or by encoded on some flash memory (solid state drive)

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