How are individual bits controlled inside of a CPU?


I know there are transistors to represent 1 and 0 (on and off), and I know that assembly is the lowest human-readable level you can get to telling the CPU exactly what to do. Any and all processes between that are an enigma to me, and I would love to know how it works.

In: 35

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Others have answered your question adequately, so I’m just going to copy paste something I told someone a few days ago about a similar question:

>If you are a fan of this subject and would like a deeper understanding of exactly how a computer operates, I’d recommend a game on steam called Turing Complete. You literally build everything yourself. They start you out with 1 single logic gate, the nand gate. Then the game prompts you to create other gates that have a specific function, but they are only made from the nand gate or from the gates you yourself created with the nand gate. It keeps asking you to do increasingly more complex things until you literally build and wire a turing complete computer from just nand gates. If you’re determined, a person with 0 computer science knowledge can learn to build a computer from scratch. The game doesn’t tell you how any of it works, it makes you figure it out with some helpful hints. This way you won’t just have basic knowledge, but also the understanding of the knowledge to back it up. You will 100% understand how a computer calculates based on instruction, because you will be building the hardware architecture yourself, and writing the assembly code that makes it function.

Change “you will 100% understand how a computer calculates on instruction” to “you will 100% understand how individual bits are controlled”. [Nand gate is just a specific arrangement of transistors.](

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