How are large sums of money transferred between nations?


Say country A sends some billions of dollars to country B in aid or in exchange for some resource. How does the actual transfer take place? How does the wealth of country A decrease and the wealth of country B increase?

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28 Answers

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Money is interesting. If country A gives Country B a bunch of their currency, then country B basically can come into the free market economy of Country A and take things. No fighting. No fuss. They just hand over paper and take things.

What do they take?
Large tracts of the best land.
Huge infrastructure, oil refineries, ports , ships, cars, water resources, etc.
The best jewelry, food, houses.
They can court mates using outrageous wealth.
Television channels, radio stations news papers.
Mercenary contracts, police bribery, political movements.
Large amounts of protein rich food .

This is why the rich have to push not only for monopolistic schemes of wealth extraction, but also a “free market”. What they mean by free is that money is free to be exchanged for anything and everything, even if it jeopardizes sovereignty and human rights.

If the country who hands over money has price controls, nationalized assets, wage controls, trade restrictions, embargos, tariffs etc, then that money becomes limited in it’s use and of less worth to outsiders, though it may be s perfectly functional intrastate currency.

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