How are magsafe cases or accessories attractive on both sides?


Shouldn’t one side be repulsive, since it’s a magnet and there is no way to make a magnet with only south or only north pole?

The magnets inside the phone itself (iPhone 12 or newer) has a [copper graphite crystalline shield]( to reflect magnetic flux but the cases and accessories don’t. Don’t know if this affects the title question.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you put a MagSafe accessory on the inside of a MagSafe case it would repel because of the alignment. The magnets are aligned so they attract in the orientation they’re intended to be used

Anonymous 0 Comments

Magnets have two sides, one called North and the other called South. The North side likes to stick to the South side of another magnet, but if you try to stick North to North or South to South, they push away from each other.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The repulsion that you are talking about only happens when a magnetic pole such as north or south is brought near the same pole of another magnet, or when a magnet is brought near a diamagnetic material. Of all the diamagnetic materials out there, only superconductors are sufficiently diamagnetic enough to repel the magnet to any real degree.

Most of the time, there is a north pole that attracts and a south pole that also attracts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not sure I entirely understand what you’re asking. Do you mean like how does the case attach to the phone and then attach to another accessory?

If the phone is a North Pole, the magnet in the case can just be set up so it’s South Pole is inside the case and then it’s North Pole is facing out of the back of the case (and would therefor attract other accessories that are also set up to attract to your phones normal North Pole).

It’s kind of like an extension cord. An extension cord has a male and female end. You can’t plug two male or two female ends together, but it’s not a problem. You plug the male end of the cord into the wall, and then you can plug whatever else you want into the female end of the extension cord a bit further away. And it all works as if the extension cord wasn’t even there.