How are magsafe cases or accessories attractive on both sides?


Shouldn’t one side be repulsive, since it’s a magnet and there is no way to make a magnet with only south or only north pole?

The magnets inside the phone itself (iPhone 12 or newer) has a [copper graphite crystalline shield]( to reflect magnetic flux but the cases and accessories don’t. Don’t know if this affects the title question.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The repulsion that you are talking about only happens when a magnetic pole such as north or south is brought near the same pole of another magnet, or when a magnet is brought near a diamagnetic material. Of all the diamagnetic materials out there, only superconductors are sufficiently diamagnetic enough to repel the magnet to any real degree.

Most of the time, there is a north pole that attracts and a south pole that also attracts.

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