I had this questions come into my head becasue I was watching a video of someone zooming into a microchip and they pass a human hair and continue zooming in an incredible amount. I’ve heard that some of the components in microchips are the size of DNA strands which is mind boggling. I also watched a video of the world’s smoothest object in which they stated that normal objects are no where near as smooth because if you blew them up in size the imperfections would be the size of Mount Everest. Like if you blew a baseball blew up to the size of earth it would have huge valleys and mountains. It wouldn’t be perfectly smooth across. So my question is how are these chip components the size of DNA not affected by these imperfections. Wouldn’t transistors not lay flat on the metal chip? How are they able to make the chips so smooth? No way it’s a machine press that flattens the metal out that smooth right? Or am I talking about two different points and we haven’t gotten that small yet?
In: Engineering
there are a lot of imperfections in microchips.
If you look at the AMD Ryzen CPUs for example. Ryzen 7 has 8 cores, while Ryzen 5 has 6 cores. During production they make one type of chip, and if all 8 cores are functional, they sell it as Ryzen 7. if only 7 cores out 8 are working, then they deactivate the 7th and sell it as Ryzen 5 with 6 cores.
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