How are mma fighters so resistant to being attacked?


Whenever I watch ufc or ofc, I notice the fighters are flooded with so much impact to their bodies. How are they so durable tho? I get they do conditioning. I also do body conditioning because I do mma too. But whenever I spar someone it hurts so much after. In the moment, my adrenaline deals with it but afterwards everything hurts so much. Do they also feel this?

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37 Answers

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You also get used to the pain when you’ve done it for years. I’ve been in martial arts for 15+ years and it doesn’t hurt as much anymore. If I show a technique to a friend, that in my opinion doesn’t even hurt like a sweep or a hold, they get pain instantly. It doesn’t matter if they’re in good shape.

I believe it’s mindset but also your body adapts to pain. Substance-p is released if you get hurt to tell your brain for example “your leg are injured“, which is released by endorphins (the body’s Morphine ). So if you do a lot of martial arts your body is better in releasing endorphins to stop the pain to get you to move forward. And goes for all sports of course. So mindset yes but also your body gets better at not feeling as much pain.

This is also genetics as well as people having great jaws that you can’t knockout.

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