How are mma fighters so resistant to being attacked?


Whenever I watch ufc or ofc, I notice the fighters are flooded with so much impact to their bodies. How are they so durable tho? I get they do conditioning. I also do body conditioning because I do mma too. But whenever I spar someone it hurts so much after. In the moment, my adrenaline deals with it but afterwards everything hurts so much. Do they also feel this?

In: Other

37 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Conditioning, adrenaline, training, all viable factors that build pain tolerance. But psychology and mindset play what is probably the largest role.

If you’ve got a goal that can only be achieved with immense physical pain/stress, if you’re committed to it enough you will endure and surpass your normal limits to get there.

Stories of people dragging themselves, possibly mauled by a bear, miles through snow and sub zero temperatures where they should have gone into shock and died within 20 mins but somehow cling to life for days. Or the classic “mother lifts car off child; destroys body in process, normally can’t open jar of pickles”. Your brain controls what your body can do, and your mind (I.e. you and subconscious you) partially controls your brain. Psychology is probably the single most powerful and least understood part of human biology, and it’s that single minded dogmatism that some people really attach to (e.g. “I am going to fucking win no matter what”) that can really push the limits of what traditional conditioning/chemicals alone would allow.

It’s the combo of all of those things in the perfect cocktail at the right time that creates legends and myths of legitimately superhuman feats.

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