How are mma fighters so resistant to being attacked?


Whenever I watch ufc or ofc, I notice the fighters are flooded with so much impact to their bodies. How are they so durable tho? I get they do conditioning. I also do body conditioning because I do mma too. But whenever I spar someone it hurts so much after. In the moment, my adrenaline deals with it but afterwards everything hurts so much. Do they also feel this?

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37 Answers

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mma fighter here, the answer is consistency. everyone i train with is running at a baseline level of horrific levels of soreness/pain. we literally just goto practice twice a day, fuck our bodies up really bad, go home, eat sleep repeat. overtime i guess you kind of condition your body but honestly it’s largely mental. i know when i get on the mat and i feel like dog shit, i know deep down i have the power to get warmed up and start sweating and i’ll subconsciously forget about my pain so i can train. it’s up to me to force that tho. also lots of guys are on steroids/peds lmao

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