How are mma fighters so resistant to being attacked?


Whenever I watch ufc or ofc, I notice the fighters are flooded with so much impact to their bodies. How are they so durable tho? I get they do conditioning. I also do body conditioning because I do mma too. But whenever I spar someone it hurts so much after. In the moment, my adrenaline deals with it but afterwards everything hurts so much. Do they also feel this?

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37 Answers

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Adrenaline. They come in expecting pain. They get hit. Adrenaline starts flowing. They get pumped up from the adrenaline and fight back like a superhuman.

Adrenaline is one hell of a drug. A mother can lift a car off her child and feel nothing, not their muscles tearing, only to feel it once the adrenaline wears off.

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