How are mma fighters so resistant to being attacked?


Whenever I watch ufc or ofc, I notice the fighters are flooded with so much impact to their bodies. How are they so durable tho? I get they do conditioning. I also do body conditioning because I do mma too. But whenever I spar someone it hurts so much after. In the moment, my adrenaline deals with it but afterwards everything hurts so much. Do they also feel this?

In: Other

37 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yeah they also feel the pain afterwards.

It’s partially what you mentioned about the adrenaline masking their pain, and partially their mindset towards pain. A lot of them simply have a high pain tolerance and they’ll somply ignore the pain. I’ve even heard fighters say things like “pain isn’t real, it’s just your mind letting you know that something is wrong” etc. and many of them simply refuse to allow pain to be a factor.

Fighting is clearly not for everyone. There’s a reason why the ones who have that tough, unbreakable mindset towards pain are the ones who end up being successful

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