How are N95 masks effective if 5% doesn’t get filtered and passes through?


To me I just don’t see how this would work or filter anything. So it 95% is blocked, then 5% of the particulate will pass through the filter and cause harm. It’s like saying you are on a submarine and saying it’s 95% sealed. Then the rest would fill up the submarine then you’d end up dead. Is there something else I’m missing here?

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8 Answers

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Human beings aren’t like submarines, and viruses aren’t like water, is the short version of it.

If a few virus particles are in the air around you then first of all, you might not breathe them in at all. Secondly, if you do breathe them in they might not attach themselves to you before being breathed out again. Third, if they do reach your body your immune system might be able to get rid of them before they can spread.

So it’s not like water entering the hull of a submarine. If you want an analogy think of medieval soldiers trying to attack a fortress. If you can kill 95% of them before they even reach the fortress walls you’re in a much better position to repel the attack. You still can’t be *sure* they won’t succeed, but you’ve reduced their odds dramatically. And if a few of them reach the wall you can deal with that. Heck, if a few get through the gate, you can probably still cope. As long as it’s just a few.

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