How are open source programs safe? Doesn’t open source make it easy for hackers to find vulnerabilities or contribute malicious code?


Perhaps I need a better understanding of what open source means, but how can a program that is openly publishing its code not be super vulnerable to cyber security threats. That’s like a bank publishing exactly how all it’s security works right? Obviously I’m missing something here, so ELI5!

In: 427

44 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> Doesn’t open source make it easy *for hackers* to find vulnerabilities

Hackers are already spending insane amounts of effort to find vulnerabilities if the payout is huge, open source makes it easy *for everyone else* to find them with minimal effort.

The amount of people who can and are willing to look for vulnerabilities when they aren’t hindered vs the amount of hackers who will do it either way is huge, so most of the time the former will find it first, notify the developers, then the developers fix it.

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