The idea with open source software is that the code is published and visible to all.
This makes it a lot harder for a malicious actor to introduce code because someone else on the team will no doubt catch it and block or remove it.
The more eyes you have on a project, the less likely problematic code will be introduced.
If a piece of Open Source Software is actually widely used enough to be worth attacking, then odds are it’s a big enough project to have a lot of eyes on it. There are likely more eyes looking for and securing those holes than there are bad actors who are looking for them and abusing them.
Ultimately the biggest attack vector is people slipping in contributions with intentional vulnerabilities. This is a thing that *has* happened. However, that is something that also exists in closed source software. For example, in 2020, SolarWinds’ Orion platform was hacked and used to exploit the systems it was deployed on. This is a closed source software, and it involved someone getting a job there and getting to a position to introduce the exploit.
Vulnerabilities can be discovered much faster since the code is out in the open.
Take iOS, for example… Apple does a tremendous job advertising its security (and keeping the source code secret), and yet hackers and companies like NSO quickly find ways to break it (ask yourself how that happens).
In the latter case, most exploits are never made public.
Here is the real ELI5 answer.
People who make open source software REALLY like open source software, and do EVERYTHING they can to make it as secure as possible so it can continue to be open source and available. If a vulnerability were found, they would fix it immediately so no one could take advantage of it.
Just because you have the instructions on how to build the safe, doesn’t mean you know the combo to a safe.
Open source is even better because by making those instructions public, people who notice a way to break the safe will bring the issue up so your next version of the safe is even more secure.
Open source software is the same idea.
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