How are people able to solve a Rubix Cube in only a few seconds?


How are people able to solve a Rubix Cube in only a few seconds?

In: 813

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

In order to solve a cube you need to learn some ‘algorithms’. These are basically a sequence of ‘turns’ that does a specific thing. A turn is just twisting one side of the cube 90 degrees clockwise or anti-clockwise, or turning it 180 degrees. normally an algorithm is around 8 to 12 turns. So a certain algorithm will do something like twist 3 of the corner pieces, or swap two edge pieces.

When you are first learning you only need to learn a hand full of algorithms to solve the cube, but advanced cubers will learn literally 100s of different algorithms that solve very specific cases. E.g. one alg might swap 3 edges into their correct place, while also twisting 2 corners and swapping them. Only useful for that exact case, but they know different algs for all the different cases.
here is a page listing some algs:

Once you know a bunch of algs, you then need to practice a lot to recognise the specific case you are in and which alg you need to use and be able to perform it physically very quickly (using what are know as finger tricks) top cubers will do 10+ turns per second.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s solved by a series of sequences (or algorithms) which you learn, each of which will enact a particular change to the layout of the cube.

I can solve it in around 2 mins, as I have learned a few core algorithms that I can follow and solve from one side up. It’s “slow”, and takes a lot of movements, but I can follow the same set of movements and solve it every time.

Very good solvers can lear many more specific algorithms, and pick and choose which ones to use depending on the specific state of the cube they are solving.

Very, very good solvers can use very slick cubes, flick them with their fingers, and study the cube to decide exactly which algorithms in which order will solve it. If you are exceptional, you can rattle them out in a few seconds

Anonymous 0 Comments

TLDR: they have a strategy and they practice a LOT.

There are many different strategies for solving a Rubik’s cube, but the one most speed solvers use is called CFOP which stands for:

Cross – solve 4 edge pieces in a cross around a center

First 2 Layers – fill in 8 pieces around that cross

Orient the last layer – flip the remaining 8 pieces the way they need to go

Permute the last layer – move the remaining 8 pieces to where they need to go

The final 2 steps are fully algorithm based as others have mentioned. Lots of practice goes into memorizing sequences of moves and recognizing them.

The first 2 steps are what separates a good cuber from an amazing cuber. The best in the world are able to use the 15 seconds of inspection time to plan out these steps in their mind, which is about as difficult as you’d imagine.

I recommend videos by J Perm if you’re interested in a step by step breakdown of specific world record solves:

Anonymous 0 Comments

Folks here are mentioning the algorithms to solve a cube, and that’s correct of course (it’s how I know how to solve it)

As far as a “few seconds”, I suggest watching a video of a speed cube solver for the time before the clock starts. They are given a scrambled cube and are allowed to look at it for a moment. *This* is when the solving happens: they solve it in their mind first. Then the timed part becomes “did you select all the right moves and how fast can you actually perform the moves”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The short answer is algorithms. Like maths.

Longer answer is also algorithms but with fancy pants alternatives.

So the simplest method to solve a cube is to do it one piece at a time. U find the correct piece then slot it into the spot it is surpose to be and repeat for every piece. This is slow since there is alot of going back and forth.

The fastest people solve the whole cube at the same time. They remember a ton of algorithms and apply them. It speeds it up significantly. Remeber enough of them and u can solve a cube in under 30 seconds easily.

Even using the slowest method u can comfortably solve a cube in under 60 seconds if u spent some time practicing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a few things incorrect with many of the other explanations here.

1. Many of the comments describing algorithms make it sound like algorithms always work no matter what which is untrue. Algorithms typically only move 2-4 pieces around at a time meaning you need to do moves that setup the algorithms properly. You can’t take an arbitrarily scrambled cubed and throw several algorithms at it without thinking and expect a solution.

2. Cubers don’t use algorithms for every piece. The entire first two layers are solved “intuitively” in the sense that they are truly manipulating pieces on the fly with simple movements. Algorithms don’t kick in until until solving the top layer (and occasionally one step beforehand). The magic comes from picking the two algorithms you need to do the last layer from a list of a few hundred based on what patterns you see.

3. I recommend the YouTube channel jperm as he does breakdown and analysis videos of world record solves. He recreates the scrambles and explains step by step what moves the cuber used what they were looking for to lead to the next step quickly

Anonymous 0 Comments

It comes from the brain having formed strong neural connections (myelination) between different patterns, actions, algorithms to solving the cube. It has become automatic that you don’t have to think, it’s just second nature. Once you see a pattern you automatically know what to do. And then it’s just a matter of actually moving your fingers quickly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s the the thing, the is a standard set of algorithms to solve the Rubix cube, and they are fairly easy to do but not the fastest way. The fast set of algorithms involves memorizing more algorithms to solve it more efficiently.

After countless hours of practicing, you stop using the algorithms and start going by the “feel” of it. This is when you start to get fast, because you are not having to remember each step.

There are also special techniques such as flicking, that will rotate the aides quicker than you can normally. It’s crazy fast. It’s so fast your eyes cannot alway process the movement and it just become a blur.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As well as permutations and solving ahead, they solve multiple corners sides and or edges at once