How are people able to solve a Rubix Cube in only a few seconds?


How are people able to solve a Rubix Cube in only a few seconds?

In: 813

32 Answers

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There are alot of things happening. You Start the solve with 15 seconds inspection time. So you inspect the cube and think about the start of your solve. Most speedcubers use a method called CFOP. Cross, F2l, OLL and PLL. Those are the four steps they solve the cube.
So they start to solve a cross. They think about the solution while inspecting. You can do that in around 6 moves most of the time. But they try to do that optimal. So they want to use a solution where they can use fingertricks. They want to go from one move to the next.
The second step is f2l or first two layers. You solve the the for corners of the layer you did the cross, and while doing that, you also solve the second layer. You do that in four pairs most of the time. So one corner with the corresponding second layer edge. The top cubers Plan one or more pairs while inspecting the cube. Sometimes they mix the cross solution with Part of f2l so they do the cross while solving one or more pairs.
After that is OLL or Orient last layer. Like the Name says, you Orient the pieces of the last layer. For that you need one of 57 different algorithms.
Last step is PLL for permute last layer. You move the pieces of the last layer to their correct Position. There are 21 cases you need to learn algorithms for.

So the top cubers think about the next step while doing the current one. So at the moment they start a Phase, the know what they need todo.
Ob top of that, they know multiple was to solve parts. For example, they know not only one algorithm per OLL case but multiple ones. With that, they can try to skip one step. If that is not possible, they might be able to force a good case. Ontoo of that, they can do turns really fast.

Even with all of that, World record times are insane. But thar is basically it.

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