– How are poetry and song lyrics translated from their original language to other languages without losing the rhyme scheme and meter?


– How are poetry and song lyrics translated from their original language to other languages without losing the rhyme scheme and meter?

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4 Answers

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When you translate a poem or song you want to keep the meaning (literal and figurative) and artistic traits (word play, rhyme, meter) as close as possible to the original poem or song. Doing this perfectly is nearly impossible most of the time because of all the differences each language has.

A direct translation that is as close as possible to the original poem won’t have the same meter and rhymes. It can also make it confusing because puns and double meanings don’t make sense.

Translators have the hard work of trying to figure out how to make the translation have the same meaning and have the same “flow” of the original text. Translators might have to change the direct translation so that the trans. text flows more like, and has the same vibe (emotions, mechanical qualities), as the original text.

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