Any large company will have a pricing group (they might not be called that but they’ll exist). Their job is to know what the market price is for widgets, how the company’s widgets might be better or worse than competing widgets (and hence value higher or lower value), the profit margin on widgets, and what the company’s strategy for widgets is.
They’ll use all that to set a price, to periodically tweak it, and to do time-limited things (rebates, sales, etc.). Then they’ll watch sales & revenue to see if it’s working, and adjust if it’s not.
In some industries this can be done by computer algorithms, in some it’s fixed by law, but a surprising number do it by hand or glorified spreadsheet.
Note that, for retail, the company that makes widgets is just selling the wholesale price. They usually don’t know or care how the distributor and/or retailer is marking it up from there.
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