How are quantum computers different from regular computers?

76 viewsEngineeringOther

I understand that a computer chip is a bunch of on/off switches. How can you make a switch that is both on and off and how does that help you with calculations?

In: Engineering

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Someone smarter can explain it better if they want but this is how I understand it.

Think about it this way. One bit, if it’s 0 or 1 gives you 2 possibilities.

Now imagine if a bit could have a value or 0-9. It gives you 10 possibilities.

Quantum computers each bit can have more than 2 value 0 or 1. So if you need to count to 10 on binary 1 bit, you can’t. It’s too small. But if you had 0-9 possibilities per bit, you can count to 10 on that bit. Quantum computing just lets you use multiple values per bit and thus gives you exponential more power than regular computer.

Edit: I should add more. Quantum bit is like tracking a position of an atom which is more or less infinite. So instead of 2 operations per bit, it lets you have infinite operations per bit. Idk if that helps or makes it worse.

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