How are religions different than mythologies?

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Only difference I can find is that there are people who “believe” in religions but almost everyone knows mythologies are just stories. So why don’t religions have the same treatment? They’re essentially the same thing, stories about people who may or may not have existed.

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22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A meaningful distinction between these two terms would be one that defines mythology as _a part of religion_. The Biblical stories would be Jewish and Christian mythologies, but there are also other components to Christianity (ethics, organization, practices etc.)

You cannot, however, make a meaningful distinction that would e.g. make the voyage of Argonauts “a myth“ and e.g. Exodus “not a myth”. Without any judeo-christian dogma, you just have to admit they are both myths of their respective cultures.

On a tangent note — there is also no objective demarcation between “religion” and “superstition”; between “liturgy” and “magic”; or between ”iconodulia” and “idolatry”. All these demarcations require you to accept some religious dogma as “true”.

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