How are scientists certain that Megalodon is extinct when approximately 95% of the world’s oceans remain unexplored?


Would like to understand the scientific understanding that can be simply conveyed.

Thanks you.

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66 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

My apartment has many nooks that are covered up, and cabinets that I never open, and cracks in the floorboard. I am still fairly confident that I do not have a family of Geese hiding in here. Megalodons are big, and they would need a lot of room to survive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Meglodon wasn’t a benthic organism, it didn’t live at extreme depths, which makes sense since gigantism is a hard thing to maintain in those zones. A big animal needs a lot of food, and there isn’t much down where the marine snow falls, and what’s there is thinly scattered.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My apartment has many nooks that are covered up, and cabinets that I never open, and cracks in the floorboard. I am still fairly confident that I do not have a family of Geese hiding in here. Megalodons are big, and they would need a lot of room to survive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Teeth! That’s the only reason we know of them, and there’s only a certain window in time where the teeth come from.
There’s a roughly 3 million years ago to now timeframe that hasn’t shown up any teeth (yet…)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Meglodon wasn’t a benthic organism, it didn’t live at extreme depths, which makes sense since gigantism is a hard thing to maintain in those zones. A big animal needs a lot of food, and there isn’t much down where the marine snow falls, and what’s there is thinly scattered.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Meglodon wasn’t a benthic organism, it didn’t live at extreme depths, which makes sense since gigantism is a hard thing to maintain in those zones. A big animal needs a lot of food, and there isn’t much down where the marine snow falls, and what’s there is thinly scattered.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My apartment has many nooks that are covered up, and cabinets that I never open, and cracks in the floorboard. I am still fairly confident that I do not have a family of Geese hiding in here. Megalodons are big, and they would need a lot of room to survive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We knew Giant Squids existed for years before anyone ever saw a live one (and lived to talk about it) because they leave physical evidence. Aside from bodies that wash up on shore, they leave distinctive wounds on the bodies of whales that dive to the depths where they live. Their beaks, the only hard part of their body, are sometimes found in the stomachs of those whales.

Sharks constantly lose and regrow teeth, and we know megalodon had big ones, yet we don’t find any teeth younger than like three and a half million years old. We don’t see whales with bite marks and scars that would match those of a megalodon. In fact, the fact that we see large whales at all may be more evidence that megalodon is indeed extinct. While megalodon lived whales didn’t get much bigger than today’s killer whales. It is thought that megalodon may have created evolutionary pressure on the size of whales, forcing them to stay small and nimble. If this is the case then large baleen whales, including the blue whale, couldn’t exist unless megalodon is extinct.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Teeth! That’s the only reason we know of them, and there’s only a certain window in time where the teeth come from.
There’s a roughly 3 million years ago to now timeframe that hasn’t shown up any teeth (yet…)

Anonymous 0 Comments

We haven’t seen any. And we’re tracking plenty of large and small marine animals. We track great whites and other large rare sharks. Most logically, they’d have to be where the food is, and a shark that size would need a lot of food. They were animals, not supernatural beasts. So we’d have found them by now.

The evidence we do have for them is millions of years old, and cuts off. That’s a fairly good sign of extinction. Not foolproof, but good.

Besides, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The burden isn’t on proving it IS extinct, it’s on proving it ISN’T. In other words, like the Coelacanth, it will remain extinct until someone finds one.

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