How are sleepwalkers still sleeping even though usually there eyes are completely open as if they are awake.


How are sleepwalkers still sleeping even though usually there eyes are completely open as if they are awake.

In: 341

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually when you sleep, your connection to your senses and motor controls are “unplugged”. Sometimes this doesn’t work!

Also the opposite can happen – being awake but having your motor control “unplugged” and you literally cannot move – terrifying condition some people occasionally experience.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This can actually get so bad that you kill someone and be acquited due to this.

Some guy drove over to someone else, while asleep, and killed them. Acquittal because of an extreme case of sleepwalking.


Anonymous 0 Comments

So your body is basically a self driving car. You (your consciousness) the driver can go to sleep and the car can still perform all the functions (maybe not safely) without input from you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So your body is basically a self driving car. You (your consciousness) the driver can go to sleep and the car can still perform all the functions (maybe not safely) without input from you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Even for people not sleepwalking, their eyes can be open while sleeping. My stepdad is very good at sleeping with his eyes open, it’s really creepy though because he can be sitting on the sofa upright like normal and just staring at you occasionally blinking. I need that skill for meetings

Anonymous 0 Comments

Even for people not sleepwalking, their eyes can be open while sleeping. My stepdad is very good at sleeping with his eyes open, it’s really creepy though because he can be sitting on the sofa upright like normal and just staring at you occasionally blinking. I need that skill for meetings