How are so many companies able to create and sell the same product when patents exist?


Take IPhone chargers for example. There are hundreds of companies in the marketing making simple and cheap IPhone Wireless chargers, some of which are actually better than the cables sold by Apple themselves…. How are they all able to make the same product when patents exist? Does Apple have the patent to the lighting connector and if so why is it not enforced?




In: 17

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

a patent gives you exclusive ownership within the confines of the country granting the patent.

it is your problem to find the violators and to prosecute (sue) them.

generally battery chargers have been around for years and years so what really is the patent? something obvious or something not very obvious?

example a barcode scanner shaped like a pistol with a trigger? or something on the circuit board inside the device you cannot see and is not obvious?

discovering the violator is hard.

better patents are clear, easy and obvious

or is it buried deep inside the thing?

prosecuting (sueing) them is harder

then if you win… will you actually get paid

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