How are talking birds able to so precisely enunciated words without lips and a larynx?


How are talking birds able to so precisely enunciated words without lips and a larynx?

In: Biology

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s actually a great Vox video on this exact question. It was a really fascinating watch.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Speaking is just uttering specific sounds/tones in a certain order. A bird can vary their sounds/tones way more that humans. They could probably mimic the sounds a dolphin makes and possibly communicate. Ok I’m blowing my own mind…..

Anonymous 0 Comments

[There’s a nice BBC podcast on the subject]( where beatboxer Beardyman talks about how birds make sound, with some crazy examples of birds imitating things like cameras and chainsaws!

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s like how you can make a fart noise with your armpit *and* your butt. They’re smart so they use what they have to approximate the sounds.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The explanation has been given, but I wanted to mention a recent episode of the [podcast Twenty-Thousand Hertz]( that takes a deep dive into birdsongs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they’re not real and are government drones that are spying on you. Those who can talk just have an output device as well.