How are trains able to start with so much cargo?

1.94K viewsEngineeringOther

Just passed by a train with a hundred or so cargo crates. how do they start? I understand how they continue moving, but how do they overcome the inertia of starting it? It has to be like thousands of tons, and I can’t imagine a bunch of coal being able to start moving that. unless of course it can, in which ELI5

In: Engineering

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best ELI5 answer is its due to traction motors on the locomotive. They enable the engineer to provide insane torque to the wheels at minimal rpms all while being controlled relatively easy. If the wheels slip, or spin, the engineer can apply sand at the wheels with controls from inside the cabin to give the wheels traction.

Worked for a class 1 railroad as a conductor and a carman.

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